
7 Questions to Ask a CEO in an Interview

So you landed an interview? Now it's time for the hard part.
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Landing an interview with the CEO or president of the company is a significant milestone in your career journey. It's not just about showcasing your skills and experience but also about demonstrating your curiosity, preparedness, and cultural fit.

Knowing the best questions to ask during your interview with the CEO can set you apart from other candidates and leave a lasting impression. Here's how to prepare and what to ask.

Come Prepared: Ask These 7 Questions During Your Interview with the CEO

1. What are the company's top priorities over the next few years?

Understanding the strategic direction of the company shows that you're thinking long-term. Look for insights into the company’s vision and how your role can contribute to these goals.

Pro tip: Reference any recent news or press releases about the company’s initiatives. This shows you’ve done your homework and are already thinking about how you can contribute.

2. How do you define success for this position?

This question helps you understand the CEO's expectations and the key performance indicators (KPIs) for your role. It's also a chance to see if their definition of success aligns with your career goals.

Pro tip: Pay attention to whether the CEO emphasizes teamwork, individual accomplishments, or innovation. This can tell you a lot about what’s truly valued in the company.

3. What is the biggest challenge the company is currently facing?

Knowing the challenges can give you a sense of the company's pain points and where you can potentially add value. It also shows that you're ready to tackle tough issues.

Pro tip: Relate this to a similar challenge you’ve faced in your career and how you overcame it. This positions you as a problem solver.

4. How would you describe the company culture?

Cultural fit is crucial for job satisfaction and performance. Listen for values, behaviors, and practices that resonate with you and see if they match your working style.

Pro tip: Look for cues in the CEO’s body language and enthusiasm when discussing culture. If they light up, it’s a good sign they’re passionate about it.

5. What opportunities for professional growth and development does the company offer?

Will I be stuck in this cubicle forever?  Showing an interest in your professional development indicates that you're committed to growing within the company. Look for programs, mentorship opportunities, and other resources that support employee growth.

Pro tip: Mention specific areas you’re interested in growing. For example, “I’d love to develop my leadership skills through mentorship programs. Does the company offer anything like that?”

6. How does the leadership team support and promote innovation?

This question can reveal how open the company is to new ideas and how they manage change. It’s an excellent way to gauge if your innovative ideas will be valued.

Pro tip:  Ask for examples of recent innovations that were implemented and how they were supported by leadership.

7. Can you share a success story where the company overcame a significant challenge?

Stories of resilience and success can give you insights into the company's strengths and how they leverage them. It also highlights the CEO’s leadership style and problem-solving approach.

Pro tip: Pay attention to the details of the story. How the CEO describes the team’s effort can give you a sense of the company’s values and team dynamics.

Bonus: How do you ensure the company’s values are upheld in day-to-day operations?

This question digs deeper into the company’s integrity and whether they walk the talk. It shows you care about more than just the paycheck.

What Does Landing a Final Interview with the CEO Mean?

Securing a final interview with the CEO means you're a top contender for the position. It indicates that you have passed the initial screening and interviews and now have the chance to leave a lasting impression on the company's leadership. This is your opportunity to show how you align with the company's vision and values. 

This stage means they’re looking for someone who can fit seamlessly into the executive team, so think big picture and long-term impact.

Preparing for the CEO Interview: Other Tips for Success

Know Your Worth

Even if this is your first "real" job, all of your experiences, including internships and externships, are relevant. Highlight how these experiences have prepared you for this role. Don’t just list your experiences; explain how each one has prepared you for this role.

Research the Company

Dive deep into the company's history, mission, recent news, and achievements. Knowing the company inside out shows your genuine interest and can help you tailor your questions. Check out employee reviews on Glassdoor and LinkedIn to get a sense of the internal company vibe.

Practice Your Responses

Be ready to discuss your experience, skills, and why you’re a good fit for the role. Practice articulating your thoughts clearly and confidently. Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure your answers.

Dress Appropriately

First impressions matter. Ensure you dress professionally, reflecting the company's culture. When in doubt, err on the side of being slightly overdressed. It’s better to be the best-dressed person in the room than the underdressed one.

How Do You Impress a CEO in an Interview?

Impressing a CEO is about more than just having the right answers. It's about demonstrating your preparedness, enthusiasm, and alignment with the company's goals. Asking thoughtful questions, showing deep knowledge of the company, and expressing your unique value proposition are key. CEOs love candidates who show initiative and a genuine passion for their work. Be enthusiastic but also sincere.

What Does a CEO Want to Hear from You in an Interview?

A CEO wants to hear that you understand the company's mission and are genuinely excited to contribute. They want to see that you’re a strategic thinker, a problem solver, and someone who fits well with the company culture. Tailor responses to reflect the company’s values and mission. Make it clear you’ve done your homework.

Here’s your cheat sheet:

Show Your Interest

CEOs are keen to see genuine enthusiasm for the role and the company. Dive into their website, skim through recent press releases, and get the lowdown on their latest earnings reports. Show that you’re not just interested,but excited about what they do.

Highlight Your Experience

They’re looking for proof that you can handle the job. Showcase your relevant experience and connect the dots on how it makes you the perfect fit for the role.

Share Your Wins

What makes you stand out? CEOs love hearing about your standout achievements. Pick a shining example that showcases your skills and the impact you’ve made.

Demonstrate Leadership

Resilience, patience, negotiation skills—these are the leadership qualities that catch a CEO's eye. Make sure to incorporate how you align with the company’s vision and culture.

Want to make sure you're prepared to answer what they might ask? Check out our guide to "The 5 Hardest Interview Questions And How to Answer Them."

How Do You Interact with the CEO Before You Get Hired?

Before the interview, interact professionally and courteously. Respect their time, follow up with a thank-you note after your interview, and express your continued interest in the position. In your thank-you note, reference something specific from the interview. It shows you were paying attention and adds a personal touch. Basically, be the charming, polite candidate your mother always hoped you’d be. 

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